Our Services

We provide comprehensive legal advice and services regarding Australian domestic law, as well as cross –border legal matters among Australia, Hong Kong and Mainland China, with a focus on corporate and commercial matters. Specifically, we are specialised and experienced in handling the following types of legal issues and cases affecting or involving both Australia and Hong Kong/Mainland China:
For individuals, our services range from cross-border matrimonial matters such divorce, spouse and children maintenance and support, custody, adoption, estate succession, where for example the deceased’s estate comprising assets located in both jurisdictions, and personal investments in both jurisdictions, cross-border asset and fund re-organisation and restructuring.
For businesses and corporations, we are experienced in handling cross-border M&A, investment projects, insolvency, debt and asset restructuring, regulatory investigations, civil proceedings and various types of immigration cases (including business visas, family & partner visas and employer nomination scheme etc.).

Immigration Consultancy Services

What distinguishes us from the myriads of immigration outfits on the street is our technical capability to deliver outcomes desired by our clients, rather than lavish marketing campaigns hard-selling lucrative migration products to puzzled clients. All visa applications are therefore personally handled and supervised from inception up till conclusion by qualified migration agents or lawyers. Clients will have direct access to the counsel of qualified migration professionals.

​Unlike other migration firms, we are highly selective of cases we represent. We will generally only accept cases which we are satisfied have a reasonable chance of success. As a result, the number of cases we work on is only a fraction of other migration firms’ and this ensures quality, efficiency and more importantly a very high success rate. For this reason, we sometimes agree to charge on success basis in appropriate cases.

​We generally take all sorts of visa applications and provide migration advice in respect of Australia and Hong Kong. As of now, we do not provide migration services other than Australia and Hong Kong.


Australia Migration Services

  • Skilled Independent visa, subclass 189
  • Business Innovation and Investment, sub-class 188 and 888
  • Business Talent, subclass 132
  • Employer Nominated Scheme (ENS), subclass 186
  • Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme, subclass 187
  • Partner (Migrant) visa, subclass 801 and 820
  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Sub-class 482)
  • Skilled Nominated visa, subclass 190
  • Partner (Provisional and Migrant) visa, subclass 309 and 100
  • Prospective Marriage visa, subclass 300


Hong Kong Migration Services

  • General Employment Policy (GEP) scheme, including the professional and entrepreneur sub-categories;
  • Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) scheme
  • Quality Migration Admission Scheme (QMAS) scheme
  • Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents (ASSG) scheme 


We generally charge fixed fees for immigration applications, the amount of which will depend on complexity, amount of work involved, likely time needed and availability of information to satisfy immigration requirements.

Prospective applicants should contact us for an estimate of fees, which we are happy to provide after being advised of full details of instructions. Our initial assessment and consultation over the phone or through emails are provided free of charge. However, for such discussions and assessments to be fruitful and productive, we generally require being provided beforehand essential documents relating to the instructions.

As said above, we can in appropriate cases charge fees on success/contingency basis, which means that a certain portion of the fees would be refunded to the applicants in case their applications are not successful. The amount of refund will be determined after assessing merits of the applications and subject to further discussions with the clients.